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Document management is a unique approach to managing content, from creation to disposal. A robust system for records and information management is built on an integrated platform that allows users to capture, automate, classify, process, and view all types of content, ranging from physical documents and e-mails to social media content

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Improving Customer Experience With Advanced Integrated Features

Document Indexing

Document indexing is the process of associating or tagging documents with different “search” terms. Indexing is a path to the documents. That path is based upon your business processes and your staff.

Document Processing

Document Processing involves the conversion of typed and handwritten text on paper-based & electronic documents into electronic information utilizing one of, or a combination of, Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR).

Document Security

Security is one of the most critical aspects of a document management system. The ideal software will provide a high level of documents encryption and role based access.

Document Management Modules

Document Security
Strong access control ensures that the documents do not fall in the wrong hands. You can define not only who gets what but also what the user can do with the documents; you can control whether the user can view, download, print, share, create new version etc. for the document.
Document Upload
Users can choose from multiple options to upload the documents : Single file upload Bulk upload Using Scan Tool
Document Formats
Supports all the major file formats like Microsoft Office files, Open office files, image formats, PDF, AutoCAD drawing formats and many others. You can get the list of supported formats here.
Version Control & Document Update
Maintains version control by default. You can configure the version numbers as per your requirements. Check-out/check-in feature ensures that no changes to the document are lost because of cross-updates to a document. All versions of the document are available on document management software.
Document Folders
Documents in DMS are stored in folders. You can create your own folder hierarchy as per your organisations requirements. Provides many properties that you can apply to each folder to suit your requirements.
Document Viewer
Document viewer allows you to view the documents online, so that you can view the contents of the document easily. The viewer has easy navigation features apart from zoom-in/zoom-out, rotation, index-information, linked documents etc.

Improved Sales. Lasting Relationships. Faster Growth.

Get the visibility you’ve been missing, and the data you need to improve, right at your fingertips.

Why Choose ISAS Document Management?

Features for accurate tracking and process optimization

Reduce physical document storage & movement
Improved regulatory compliance
Implement best practices for Document Management
Reduce time and costs involved in searching & retrieval

Welcome to ISAS Systems - Your Trusted ERP Partner in Dubai

Document management is a unique approach to managing content, from creation to disposal. A robust system for records and information management is built on an integrated platform that allows users to capture, automate, classify, process, and view all types of content, ranging from physical documents and e-mails to social media content.

Document management software lets you get content under control, with seamless information governance and effective GDPR compliance that directly translates to tangible business benefits. You can break down silos and enable productivity, anywhere, with a world-class enterprise document management system . and so much more.


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